Friday, January 15, 2010

PE Lesson on Wednesday 13 JAN

On that particular Wednesday, I was scared, worried and anxious. I had been very bad in running. Never passed the 2.4 km run yet. I am usually one of the last to cross the finish line. The PE lesson was during the first two periods, which I was not looking forward to. This means after flag raising ceremony, we had to go to East Coast Park to run immediately. I hid my nervousness in my heart as we sat for assembly that day.

The Saturday before, I had Scouts training. We had a 2.4 km run that day. In my attempt to losse weight, I did not take my breakfast(grave mistake). As me and my chubby friend Hariz ran, I felt the pressure and could not run as fast as I could(Which is very slow, so I was Very Very slow). I lost pace and everyone overtook me. I was alone. Hariz had made it to the finish line but I was very far away from it. All hope is gone. One of my senior scouts told me to breathe through my nose, not my mouth as I will reduce water loss. I was feeling faint so that advice was of no use that time. I slow jogged to the finish line, worn down.

Before we left for the run, I kept my reading book in my bag slowly, because I was thinking about the run. I gulped down a lot of water to quench my thirst. Even then, I was still thirsty. My friend Naufal asked me to run with him. Knowing I am a bad runner, I said no.

The whole class went to East Coast Park for the run. Other classes were also there. All of us need to run together. Before the run started, I was with Naufal. When we started, I reversed and joined Hariz. From there we slow jogged. I followed my senior's advice to breathe through my nose, and I think it had a significant effect.

I continued my pace towards the finish line. I was one of the last, but I did not care. As we neared the finish line, I sped away from Hariz and ran very fast towards the finish line. A mischheivous friend of mine tricked me to stop and I thought I was at the finish line. This made Hariz catch up but I was still ahead of him. For the first time in my life I did not feel very tired after running 2.4 km! That advise came in very handy and I will use it in future runs.